Black catLeary's WorldBlack cat

Hello there and welcome to this website which is all about meeeeeee.

My name is Leary and as you can see I am NOW a cheeky and sometimes mischevious black cat.

I say NOW because I wasn't always like this....

Around 18 months ago I was a wild cat with no home and living on the streets. I was always being chased and terrorised by some nasty dogs and was forever injured and fearful. Then, along came Faith, a lovely girl with a heart of gold. She started to feed and look after me, she took me to the Vet and spent a LOT of money getting me patched up and eventually took me into her home. The problem was, Faith had not long gotten a new puppy named Tommy and as much as Tommy tried to be friends with me, my previous experiences with dogs wouldn't allow me to be friends with him. As hard as Faith tried to make me one of the family I just couldn't fit in so Faith found me a new home with one of her friends. I have now been at my new home for 13 months and although I had very little experience of showing any affection (which always made me seem grumpy and wary) I now realise that perhaps I have finally found some happiness and maybe now I have a home for life. Don't get me wrong, I'm never going to turn into a cuddly, little, bundle of joy pussycat but.... you never know. For now I'm enjoying being cheeky and mischevious and I hope you like my photos and videos.

I'd love it if you could follow me on my new adventures as I like to be the centre of attention....

Black CatBlack Cat

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